
Bike Tours by Timo

I made it to Düsseldorf just fine, no problems at all. Timo picked me up at the airport and we headed back to his apartment. Everyday there are 3 World Cup matches scheduled and I had arrived there early enough for us to have enough time to take a bike ride down (or was it up?) the Rhein to one of Timo's favorite Biergarten's. Turns out they weren't showing the matches there so we headed down a little further into the nearby village where we found a bar showing the match on a big screen. I also had my first Altbier, Düsseldorf's brewing claim to fame. It's very hard to describe the taste and I could easily understand what Timo meant by, "either you love it or hate it." I actually really liked it - the closest thing I could come up with for a description of the taste was something similar to an amber, but much stronger.

Here's Timo and myself crossing the Rhein via ferry on our way back into Düsseldorf. I may be smiling but my butt wasn't - I hadn't ridden a bike in years :)

And later on that day, we took advantage of the good weather, Timo became grill meister, and we took in the last matches of the day from the balcony:

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